Mt. Fuji - Yamanashi
Itsukushima Shrine - Hiroshima
Stone Buddhist image - Anywhere
God of Cereals - Anywhere
Mt. Fuji - Yamanashi
Itsukushima Shrine - Hiroshima
Stone Buddhist image - Anywhere
God of Cereals - Anywhere
Mt. Fuji - Yamanashi
Itsukushima Shrine - Hiroshima
Stone Buddhist image - Anywhere
God of Cereals - Anywhere
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Okinawa, Naha

There is more to Japan than the big cities such as Tokyo or Osaka. There are also a lot of attractive places near and far, and Okinawa is one of them. In Okinawa you get to experience “another Japan” from the scenery, food, and lifestyle, it is often called “the foreign country of Japan”.It only takes 3 hours from Tokyo to reach Naha by plane! To make the most of your time, take the bus straight from the terminal and go directly to Churaumi Aquarium upon arrival.

This aquarium is the most popular in Japan with more visitors than any other. It’s located right on the Sea of Japan with an environment built into the landscape and a postcard-like sea and Ie Island background. Take a break with a refreshing cup of Jasmine tea (Sanpicha) before continuing to the best part of the aquarium – the giant fish tank. I am now in front of the tank and it feels like I am in another world. A giant whale shark and a big manta ray are right in front of me. Watching them swim like they’re dancing makes me feel relaxed.  You start to lose yourself in deep thought about nature’s strength, beauty, etc…

Before taking the bus to go back to Naha, let’s take some time to enjoy the clean water of the sea, feel the hot sand and just relax!

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