As you may know, Japan is an island country, however you can still enjoy various landscapes such as ocean views, mountain views, and big city atmosphere as well.
Did you know there are waterfalls near Mount Fuji?
This one is really hidden and kind of hard to find. Once you make it there, you are sure to enjoy the peaceful sound of nature as there won’t be crowds. (Kaneyamano Falls)
Jinba waterFall is another cool place. It’s more crowded and a bit difficult to find parking, but it is really refreshing to be able to sit near the waterfall and feel the very very cold water on your feet! You can even bathe if you have enough courage.
The last two are also impressive! They are so big that while you stand there admiring them, you feel small in this world for a few seconds and enjoy the power of nature. You can’t bathe in this one, it is only possible to view from nearby. (Shiraito Falls and Otodomeno Falls)
Before going back to busy Tokyo, I recommend having soba for lunch. Don’t forget to enjoy a coffee with the wonderful view that feels like it’s straight out of a movie.

Which waterfall do you want to visit most? There is still so much to see and explore !!